AHK online business trip “Energy infrastructure in cities”

AHK online business trip “Energy infrastructure in cities”

The Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania) is pleased to announce the implementation of a Romanian-German economic collaboration project with the theme “Energy infrastructure in cities“.

The initiative of the Romanian-German economic collaboration project and its financing come from the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy in Germany within the “Energy Solutions made in Germany” program.

The project is addressed to Romanian and German companies interested in developing bilateral business in the field of urban infrastructure and aims to promote German systems and products in this field.

In order to promote the participating German companies, we organized on April 20 an online symposium – German and Romanian experts were present and shared an overview of the methods that would contribute to the modernization of the energy infrastructure of the cities.

Between April 21-23, 2021, the German representatives participated in online meetings with potential Romanian collaborators.

Take a closer look at the German participants!



If you would like to find out more about this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Financed by