Information trip to Germany for the Romanian and Moldovan companies in the field of water

Information trip to Germany for the Romanian and Moldovan companies in the field of water

Romanian and Moldovan buyers, decision-makers and multipliers from the local and central administrations, system operators, water associations, institutions and companies in the water industry, will meet their German counterparts during 13th to 16th May, as part of IFAT Fair 2024. The visit is organized by AHK Romania in cooperation with UmwelttechnologieCluster Bayern e.V. and German Water Partnership e.V.

Visiting IFAT 2024 in Munich, which will comprise arranged stand visits to particular German exhibitors, as well as participating to an expert forum that will reunite the German, Romanian and Moldovan representatives are among the milestones of the event. The participants will also have the opportunity to pay on site visits to some top German companies in the water industry.

Romania’s water and wastewater infrastructure requires investments totaling 25 billion euros.

As part of the national recovery and resilience plan, Romania’s budget of 1.46 billion euros is allotted for water and wastewater management and for providing the population with faster access to high-quality services. The planned projects must be implemented by 2026. In the Republic of Moldova, projects in the water supply and sanitation sector worthing 149 million euros are to be implemented by 2027.

German companies and institutions have both the expertise, solutions and processes to meet these challenges and drive innovation further, together with Romanian and Moldovan companies.

This trip offers all the participants the opportunity to discuss challenges and solutions together and to initiate cooperations.

This trip is part of the Environmental Technologies Export of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and is aimed at German SMEs in the water industry.