Business start-up visit in the waste sector in Romania

Business start-up visit in the waste sector in Romania

From 19 to 23 November 2023

The German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Romania), in cooperation with Goduni International, organizes a business initiation trip to Romania for German suppliers and service providers from the waste management/recycling sector, focusing on solutions for the guarantee take-back system. It plays a significant role in achieving Romania’s waste collection and recycling targets

The visit is part of the Environmental Technologies Export Initiative and is carried out as part of the market development programme for SMEs of the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

The event is mainly aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises, offering solutions and products for the collection, transport and transfer of municipal waste, sorting stations, waste treatment plants, mechanical-biological waste treatment and recovery plants, recycling technologies.

In addition to intensive preparation and analysis of business opportunities, participating companies will be offered support in setting up and expanding business activities locally. The programme includes visits to projects and strategic meetings in Bucharest, Buzău, Brăila and Galați, the opportunity to present themselves to a specialised audience, as well as one-to-one business meetings that may lead to future cooperation and acquisitions.

Waste collection and management is almost permanently on the agenda of the Romanian authorities, as the state is under increasing pressure to comply with EU environmental and waste regulations. €1.2 billion has been earmarked to implement projects in this area until 2026.

Among other things, the aim is to accelerate the expansion and modernisation of waste management systems, and the extensive experience of German companies in waste management is highly valued.

The measures are monitored by the state. The private sector is essential as a supplier and advisor, as the challenges in the waste sector can only be overcome through close cooperation with the private sector.