Romanian monuments’ restorers to visit their German counterparts for technology’s update

Romanian monuments’ restorers to visit their German counterparts for technology’s update

Around 20 architects, construction and real estate professionals alongside with the representatives of the local public administration will visit Germany (in Dortmund, Essen, Aachen and Düsseldorf) during 12-16 June, on an information trip organized by the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Rumänien), within the markets’ development program of the German Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection.

It is an opportunity for the Romanian small and medium sized companies and the decision makers to get informed about the heritage conservation and restoration technologies and the result of their implementation in this sector in Germany.

They will also meet, among others, the German authorities in charge with the handicrafts’ promotion, will make guided tours of the former coal mine in Zollverein, of Köln and Aachen cathedrals and the city of Köln, will visit the masonry and carpentry workshops in Aachen and will watch 3D scanning and modelling demonstrations on various examples, a technique which is used to restore missing parts of a monument.

A presentation event will be organized at the Chamber of Crafts in Dortmund, whereby the German companies could meet potential Romanian partners and get an overview about the restoration sector in Romania.

Monuments conservation and rehabilitation sector become increasingly important in Romania, as awareness in the society is growing. Pioneers in this field are towns located in the center and western Romania, such as Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Brașov, Oradea, which refurbished or are refurbishing their historic city centers. A lot of activity in monuments rehabilitation is expected especially in Timișoara in the next few years, as the city is one of the European cultural capitals in 2023.

Churches have also been restored recently, especially in the north of the country, as well as some fortified churches in Transylvania.