The new European Bauhaus – an economic, cultural and environmental project

I want NextGenerationEU to kickstart a European renovation wave and make our Union a leader in the circular economy. But this is not just an environmental or economic project: it needs to be a new cultural project for Europe.

Ursula Von der Leyen


The new European Bauhaus is an economic, cultural and environmental project that supports the achievement of the European Green Pact, representing at the same time a creative and interdisciplinary movement in which any citizen, expert but also enterprises and institutions can participate. This initiative creates collaborations between those who have ideas and those who can turn them into reality, the model of this concept being based on co-creation and finding innovative solutions in order to ensure a better quality of life and a sustainable future without compromising the environment or the own comfort.

The new European Bauhaus comprises three stages, spread over two years: co-design, realization and dissemination.

Co-design – From October 2020 to the summer of 2021: launching a dialogue platform, in order to present innovative achievements and, implicitly, to outline ideas that could define the new European Bauhaus. In this phase, the Commission will select the partner organizations of the project.

Delivery – Starting September 2021: the second stage consists in launching a project competition, following which five projects will be selected that propose new, sustainable and inclusive solutions. They will be funded from European programs and structural funds.

Dissemination – Starting January 2023: the third stage consisted in promoting the results obtained and multiplying the best practices, by financing similar projects and facilitating the exchange of know-how.

The project registration period took place between 23 April and 1 June, during which time more than 2,000 projects were registered in all EU Member States.

Between June 11-18, more than 20,000 Bauhaus newsletter subscribers were invited to vote for their favorite projects and ideas.

A jury of more than 135 official partners of the initiative from all over Europe and a multitude of sectors evaluated the selected projects between June 28 and July 7, 2021.

The project shortlist can be accessed here .

The Commissions evaluation committee will complete the evaluation process and the winners will be announced after the summer – the award ceremony being scheduled for September 16.

More information about the New European Bauhaus can be found here .