Dealing with packaging in Europe – the updated regulations in the 25 Member States

Dealing with packaging in Europe – the updated regulations in the 25 Member States

The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) has compiled in a publication information on how the EU Member States have implemented the amended EU Packaging Directive: application limits, reporting obligations, recycling quotas.

National regulations on the handling of packaging still vary widely from country to country, even though numerous legal adaptations have been made to the respective EU directive, which entered into force in mid-2018.

The companies that introduce packaged goods on the European internal market must comply with the requirements of that country – this is also applicable to non-EU European countries.

The brochure explains which packaging is covered by the directive or what labelling obligations and special regulations exist.

In order to harmonise the different regulation within the EU, the European Commission published on 30 November 2022 a proposal for a new packaging regulation.

This needs to be discussed by the European Parliament and the Council. But it may take more than a year for the regulations to be adopted and enter into force. And even within countries, situations can change.

The DIHK publication reflects the situation at the beginning of 2023 and is available for download here (German language)