Category: Environment

The Guarantee-Return-System (SGR) constitutes a positive impact 8 months after its launch

The Guarantee-Return-System (SGR) constitutes a positive impact 8 months after its launch

Implemented in Romania at the end of November 2023, the Guarantee-Return-System (SGR) is a key step towards efficient collecting and recycling of beverage packaging, promoting the idea of circular economy. The number of packaging returned and recycled has steadily increased in recent months, from 31.000 in December 2023, to 2.2 million in January and 21...

Greenwashing: EU gradually tackles global phenomenon

Greenwashing: EU gradually tackles global phenomenon

To stimulate equitable and sustainable sourcing accompanied by fair advertising the European Union is currently implementing EU-wide bans on: The administrative process commenced in 2022 and by January 2024 an agreement was reached which was adopted by the European Council in February 2024. EU member countries have 24 months to incorporate the legislative update into...

The Green Cities Project – a chance for the sustainable development of Bucharest

The Green Cities Project – a chance for the sustainable development of Bucharest

Bucharest City Hall has launched, together with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ERBD) the Green Cities Action Plan for Bucharest (PAOV) project, as part of a wider initiative, aiming to assist the large urban centres in their transition process towards sustainable growth and reducing carbon emissions. The EBRD funding line supports cities in...

People still don’t understand the importance of collecting used batteries

People still don’t understand the importance of collecting used batteries

Although the collecting of the batteries is free of charge, only a small category of consumers in Romania, especially amongst the young people got the habit of depositing them in the designated places. According to the European model, the polluter foots the bill. Elena Gaspar, the president of the National Battery Recycling System Association (SNRB)...

Transport and Industry will increasingly rely on hydrogen

Transport and Industry will increasingly rely on hydrogen

By 2030, Romania will need more than 280 thousand tonnes of hydrogen, mostly renewable, for the transport and industrial sectors, according to estimates in the draft National Hydrogen Strategy 2030, submitted for public debate by the Ministry of Energy. Part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania (PNRR) endorsed by the European Commission, this...

Towards a cleaner environment

Towards a cleaner environment

Individual behaviour on waste must change Recycling makes raw materials that can be sold at very good price on the market. The authorities should do more to raise people awareness about the importance of the waste selection. Dr Radu Merica, general manager of the RER Ecologic Group explains how the problem can be solved, while...

Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition 2023

Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition 2023

The 7th edition of the Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition 2023, the most important event in the region dedicated to the sector of trenchless technologies, which will take place on June 28-29, 2023 at Hotel Caro Club Bucharest. Trenchless Romania Conference & Exhibition 2023 will present equipments, products and services of international manufacturers and suppliers...

Exciting opportunity for young professionals aged 18-26

Exciting opportunity for young professionals aged 18-26

The foreign ministry of Germany announces the launch of our Youth Climate Fellowship Program, designed to empower the next generation of leaders in the fight against climate change. The Youth Climate Fellowship Program is a unique opportunity for young people to gain valuable skills, knowledge, and experience in the field of climate action. By participating...

Dealing with packaging in Europe – the updated regulations in the 25 Member States

Dealing with packaging in Europe – the updated regulations in the 25 Member States

The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) has compiled in a publication information on how the EU Member States have implemented the amended EU Packaging Directive: application limits, reporting obligations, recycling quotas. National regulations on the handling of packaging still vary widely from country to country, even though numerous legal adaptations have been made...

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